Is Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) Toxic to Dogs?

Is peace lily toxic to dogs?

Peace lily (Spathiphyllum) is toxic to dogs. The toxic principles are insoluble calcium oxalate crystals that penetrate the oral mucosa causing intense burning and pain and an irritant sap.

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Is Fraser Fir (Abies fraseri) Toxic to Dogs?

Is Fraser fir toxic to dogs?

Fraser fir (Abies fraseri) is non-toxic to dogs and is safe to keep in homes with pets as long as precautions are taken.

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Is Poinsettia Toxic to Dogs?

Is poinsettia toxic to dogs?

Poinsettia is mildly toxic to dogs, the toxic principles are diterpenoid euphorbol esters and saponins which cause mild dermal and gastrointestinal irritation.

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Is Lily of the Valley Toxic to Dogs?

Is lily of the valley toxic to dogs?

Is lily of the valley toxic to dogs?  Ι   What is lily of the valley   Ι   Toxicity   Ι   Clinical signs  Ι    First aid   Ι    Treatment  Ι   How much lily of the valley is toxic to dogs?  Ι    Is lily of the valley related to the Lillium species?


Is lily of the valley toxic to dogs?

Lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis) is toxic to dogs. The toxic principles are cardiac glycosides, (primarily convallarin and convallamarin) and saponins. Cardiac glycosides are plant steroids that affect the heart and saponins are steroid or triterpene glycosides that cause gastrointestinal upset. All parts of lily of the valley including the leaves, flowers, berries, stems and bulbs are toxic.

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Is Bleeding Heart (Dicentra) Toxic to Dogs?

Is bleeding heart toxic to dogs?

Bleeding heart (Dicentra spp., andLamprocapnos spectabilis) is toxic to dogs. The toxic principle is isoquinoline alkaloids, a convulsant and irritant sap that can cause skin irritation and ocular pain. Alkaloids are secondary metabolites that are organic compounds produced by the plant that are not directly involved with growth, development or reproduction. Secondary metabolites have several functions including cooperating with other species, such as flowers that attract insects necessary for pollination or to repel pests including plant-feeding insects and animals and pathogenic microorganisms.

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Is Dieffenbachia Toxic to Dogs?

Is dumbcane toxic to dogs?

Dieffenbachia is toxic to dogs. The toxic principles are proteolytic enzyme and insoluble calcium oxalate crystals known as raphides. Raphides are held in specialised cells called idioblasts, and when a dog chews Dieffenbachia, they penetrate the oral mucosa, triggering the release of histamine by the white blood cells. Damage to the oral mucosa allows proteolytic enzymes to penetrate the tissue, which increases pain and inflammation.

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Are Roses Toxic to Dogs?

Are roses toxic to dogs?

Roses (Rosa spp.) are non-toxic to dogs. These garden and cut flower favourites are safe to keep around dogs and make a great choice for the garden and as a cut flower.

Interestingly, the fruit that grows on the blossom of a wild rose (Rosa canina) known as rosehip contains antiinflammatory properties and is commonly used to treat arthritis in dogs.

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Is Snake Plant Toxic to Dogs?

Is snake plant toxic to dogs?

What is snake plant?     Clinical signs     First aid     Treatment     Prognosis

Snake plant (Dracaena trifasciata syn. Sansevieria trifasciata) is toxic to dogs. The toxic principle is saponins which cause gastrointestinal disturbances in dogs. Saponins are a bitter, soapy substance that protects the plant from herbivory as well as fungal and insect attacks.

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Is Caster Oil Plant (Ricinus communis) Toxic to Dogs?

Is castor oil plant toxic to dogs?

Is castor oil plant toxic to dogs?

Castor oil plant (Ricinus communis) is toxic to dogs, the toxic principle is a glycoprotein known as ricin, which inhibits ribosomal protein synthesis, leading to cellular death as well as acute liver and kidney failure.

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Is Pothos Toxic to Dogs?


Is pothos toxic to dogs?

Pothos is toxic to dogs, the toxic principle is insoluble calcium oxalate crystals known as raphides that penetrate the oral mucosa causing acute pain and burning. Insoluble calcium oxalate crystals are created by crystal idioblasts and are commonly arranged in bundles known as raphides. The function of insoluble calcium oxalate crystals is to protect the plants from herbivory as well as calcium regulation. 

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